I thought families would enjoy some photos from our last Outdoor Learning Day. We read the book Over and Under the Snow by Kate Messner. It's a great book that explains where animals go in the winter. After reading, we went outside to look for possible animal winter homes in our woods. Then we made homes that we thought some animals might enjoy. The photos are of the homes we made.
Students decided to donate the money ($66.65) we made at the Farmers Market to Rosina Wallace. They are hoping she can use it towards building her new barn or towards food for Ferdinand.
Our class will be having a Winter Solstice celebration on Thursday, December 20th. We will spend most of the day outside celebrating the start of the winter season. We will have a campfire to stay warm and cook food. We will also have some activities like skiing and snowshoeing. It should be a lot of fun and we will need lots of help. Please let me know if you can help out. Be on the lookout for a note and an email this week with more specific details about this event!

Has your child been using Reading Eggs? If they have, you might have noticed that they can also access Mathseeds. The school has a subscription for both of those programs so please check out Mathseeds too!
Students will be snowboarding in PE starting Dec. 3rd, through to the holiday break. They will have snowboards and helmets for students to borrow during class, but students are allowed to bring their own snowboards and are encouraged to bring their own helmet on their PE days.
Enjoy December!!